Clinician for Jumping, Judging, & Course Design
FEI & USEF Judge
Equestrian Facility Design Consultant
Olympic Course Designer
2022 Inductee to the
Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI) Level 4 Course Designer for Jumping (Retired). One of 10 individuals originally accredited at this level in 1993 (International license held from 1985 through 2014).
FEI Certified Level 3 International Judge for Jumping.
USEF Registered (‘R’) Jumper Judge for Jumpers.
1996 Olympic Games, Atlanta, GA.
1992 World Cup Finals in Del Mar, CA
1999 World Breeding Championships for Young Horses, Belgium
2003 Super League Nations Cup, Dublin, Ireland
2004 & 2005 Super League Nations Cup, Rotterdam, Holland
2005 & 2006 North American Junior and Young Rider Championships, Lexington, VA
2007 World Childrens' Final, Xalapa, Mexico
Designed courses for major events in U.S., Canada, Mexico, Germany, Holland, Belgium, England, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Argentina, Columbia, Chile, Costa Rica, South Africa, and Saudi Arabia; including CSIO events in Rotterdam, Holland; Dublin, Ireland; Washington, DC; Toronto, Canada; Queretaro, Mexico; Buenos Aires, Argentina; and Geesteren, Holland. Currently retired Level 4 Course Designer.
World Equestrian Games, Den Haag, Netherlands, 1994.
Pan American Games, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 1999.
World Cup Finals in Goteborg, Sweden, 1991, 1995, 1999.
America’s Cup Junior and Young Rider Championships, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1998.
World Childrens' Final in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 2006
Design Consultant for more than 50 different equestrian facilities (both commercial and private) throughout the United States, as well as in Mexico, & Canada.
Clinician for Riding and Jumping in U.S. and abroad, Conducted National & International Course Design and Judging seminars in the U.S., Canada, Brazil, Australia, Mexico, South Africa, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, New Zealand, and Saudi Arabia.
Co-founder of the Young Horse Trainers’ School.
Coach for International Riders Alvaro Tejeda and Juan Diego Saenz. Guatamala. Coached these riders to 3 spots on GUA team that won the Central American Team Championship in 2017. Alvaro's horse was only horse to jump 5 clear rounds in the Championship.
FEI International Level 3 Judge for Jumping – President of the Ground Jury for the World Cup Finals and for the North American Junior and Young Rider Championships in 2007. Served on the Ground Jury for the 2010 World Equestrian Games and 2000 World Cup Finals, as well as for FEI events in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Sweden, Italy, and Saudi Arabia. In 2010 through present President of the Ground Jury for major FEI events in California, Kentucky, Quebec, and in Mexico.
US Equestrian Federation Registered Judge for Jumpers. Retired Hunter Seat Equitation and Hunter 'R' Judge.. Officiated at:
ASPCA Maclay Medal finals in 1986, 1996 and 2003.
AHSA Hunter Seat Medal finals in 1989, 1992, 2000.
ASPCA Eastern Regional finals in 1987, 1998.
New England Medal Finals in 1992 & 1997.
USET Talent Search Eastern Finals on three occasions.
National Equitation Finals in Brazil.
National Equitation Finals in South Africa, on two occasions.
Conducted Equitation Judging Clinics in Australia and Brazil, as well as throughout North America.
Panelist for USEF Jumper & Equitation Judges & Course Design Clinics.
President of the Jury of Appeal for Pan American Games, Toronto 2015.
2022 Inductee - SHOW JUMPING HALL of FAME
2008 Pegasus Medal of Honor recipient - awarded by the United States Equestrian Federation;
California Professional Horsemen's Association Lifetime Achievement Award, 2016.
Horse Publications winner for 2007 column in The Chronicle of the Horse
Four-time winner of the Walter Cox trophy – U.S. National Federation Course Designer of the Year.
Show Jumping Horseman of the Year – The Chronicle of the Horse, 1989.
Three-time Pacific Coast Horse Shows Association Course Designer of the Year.
California Professional Horsemen’s Association Horsewoman of the Year, 1991.
California Professional Horsemen’s Association Special Achievement Award, 1996.
Marie Gatlin Memorial Trophy – awarded by the PCHA, 1996.
USA Equestrian Trust – Vice President and Board Member.
Young Jumper Futurity - Founder & past President. Member of board 1984 through 2017.
Young Jumper Championships – Founder. Member of board 1999 through 2017.
Monterey Horse Park – Founding board member through 2012.
FEI Technical Committee for Jumping – 1995 through 1999.
Member of International Course Designers Council.
US Equestrian Federation – Secretary from 1997 through 2002; past chair of FEI Competition Committee and Natioinal Jumper Committee, Past member of Course Designer Task Force, Breeders Committee, and Hearing Committee.
United States Equestrian Team – former member of Show Jumping Task Force; Chair of Show Jumping Selection Committee 1986 through 1990.
Author of feature articles for L’Annee Hipique (annual yearbook for international equestrian sport), and former columnist for Chronicle of the Horse.
Author of “101 Jumping Exercises for Horse and Rider” published November 2002 by Storey Publishers. Translated for Geman, Spanish, French, Mandarin, and Polish editions.
Wrote and produced DVD “The JumpSmart Guide to Course Building” in 2005.
Contributor to
More than 60 years in the Equestrian industry, including 11 years as General Manager/Trainer/Rider for a private stable that maintained approximately 20 competition show jumping horses, in addition to a 20 mare and two stallion breeding operation that produced multiple Grand Prix winners.
Developed horses for, and competed at, the Grand Prix level throughout the U.S., Canada, and in Europe, including being a member of Nations Cup squads representing the United States on multiple occasions. Named to the Long List for the Team in 1980.
Earlier in career, also competed and trained Hunters, Saddle Horses, Eventing, Dressage, and Western at the regional level.
University of the Pacific, Stockton, California (School of Pharmacy).